
This is a site for all artists and art enthusiasts. Here I will share info on artbooks of all kinds including the art of movie books, art instruction, art philosophy, comic books, compilations, specific artists, and more. I will be giving a quick review on the book, perhaps an image or two, and some links to the artists and where you can purchase them.

I feel that it's necessary for an artist to build a visual vocabulary to look at other artists work as well as study their craft. That said, I hope you find this site helpful in your art endeavors.


Sorry for the crappy photos. You'll just have to live with it. I do...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Art of Kung Fu Panda

This is one of my favorite "Art of..."-books because it has tons of colored sketches of character designs. If you aspire to be a character designer or just love pretty pictures, this book is a must have.

Most of the artwork featured is that of character designer Nicolas Marlet. I love his technique here where he uses a colored pencil to sketch out his gesture, pencil in the finished lines, and finishes it off with marker and paint; sometimes on toned paper. Marlet has a knack for silhouette and gesture, which in my humble opinion, is a powerful combination for a character designer or animator.

If you loved the movie, you'll love the book. It even has sketches of characters that didn't make it in the film.

Where can I find it (you can find a customer video review at this link):

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