
This is a site for all artists and art enthusiasts. Here I will share info on artbooks of all kinds including the art of movie books, art instruction, art philosophy, comic books, compilations, specific artists, and more. I will be giving a quick review on the book, perhaps an image or two, and some links to the artists and where you can purchase them.

I feel that it's necessary for an artist to build a visual vocabulary to look at other artists work as well as study their craft. That said, I hope you find this site helpful in your art endeavors.


Sorry for the crappy photos. You'll just have to live with it. I do...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Shoutout to

This is an awesome site to find rare books that you can't easily find in the bookstore or at amazon. It has a great selection of art books from your favorite anime. But that's not all! They also have plenty of books from french and american artists such as Alessandro Barbucci and Dean Yeagle respectively.

They send you $5.00 off coupons for certain purchases and are very friendly. I get little hand-written notes on my receipts saying things like "great choice!" or "I also reccomend this...", because I like to be congratulated and rewarded for my consumerism.

Check it out here:

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