
This is a site for all artists and art enthusiasts. Here I will share info on artbooks of all kinds including the art of movie books, art instruction, art philosophy, comic books, compilations, specific artists, and more. I will be giving a quick review on the book, perhaps an image or two, and some links to the artists and where you can purchase them.

I feel that it's necessary for an artist to build a visual vocabulary to look at other artists work as well as study their craft. That said, I hope you find this site helpful in your art endeavors.


Sorry for the crappy photos. You'll just have to live with it. I do...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Claire Wendling drawers 2.0

I honestly have never heard of Claire Wendling until I saw a post about her on the blog of one of Sky Dolls' creators, Barbara Canepa. Apparently she is a veteran French comic artist and illustrator very popular in the French art world working on comics to animation.

This book features sketches, comic art, illustrations, character designs and background designs for animated films, and more. She has beautiful sketches with elegant lines and powerful illustrations. Wendling has a variety of styles that you don't see in most artists. A great book to add to your collection.
Where can I find it:

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